Welcome to Glick and Co Weddings!!!

Marlene & Darryl Photography

I love weddings. Always have.

When I was a young girl (and ahem, even a teenager), whenever I happened to have flowers in my hands, I pretended I was bride walking down the aisle to meet my lucky groom! Fast forward an extremely long time (!!!!), I finally met my Prince Charming and got to plan my own wedding. We DIYed EVERYTHING. As in … we made our own hot chocolate mix cause I insisted I needed a hot chocolate bar at our August wedding, he created an amazing chalkboard photo backdrop for our guests, and we did chalkboard everything (with also handwritten everything) for our “please choose a seat not a side,” “important dates,” reception seating, and menu signs.

We (ahem, I!) was too cheap though to hire a coordinator, so we asked friends of ours to coordinate the day. And they did an incredible job!! (But we made it into their Christmas letter about how exhausting the whole thing was!) Thanks to them and our pastor’s wife and my mom (who had to field questions about where things were supposed to go at the end of the day), the day was beautiful and went off without a hitch.

Except … for this tiny detail that got missed about our first dance. You see, Wilmer and I had spent quite a bit of time editing recordings so that we would have a “stare in each others’ eyes” dance and then surprise everyone with a swing dance (since we met swing dancing). The only problem … we never thought to tell our coordinator/DJ/do-it-all-er/MC not to turn the music off when it paused. So … everyone missed our fun swing dance cause it never happened.

And that’s where I come in as a coordinator. I want to make sure those tiny details that are important to you don’t get missed. (Of course, that means you have to remember to tell them to me 😀 !)

One “small detail” that I was able to “save” for a friend’s wedding was the sweet message she wanted on her aisle runner for her dad. She ordered stickers that I was supposed to place on the runner before the ceremony. Only problem was … the stickers DIDN’T STICK!!!!!! So there I was in Colorado, looking out over the plains towards the Rocky Mountains, hand writing those sweet words onto her aisle runner with a Sharpie marker! Talk about stressful. But I got the words written on the runner in time, and she got to share that beautiful moment with her dad!

So what are your dreams for your wedding? What do you want to make 110% sure that nobody is going to miss on your day?

I’d love to help you have your wedding “as you wish”!